Project Blue Hands Society is a non-profit organization established to restore dignity and self-worth in the people living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). PBH supports homeless and impoverished people, primarily with addiction challenges, by helping to meet their basic needs such as the provision of nutritious meals, clean clothing, hygiene products and by spending quality time with the people to encourage and highlight the importance of inclusiveness and altruism while maintaining a safe space for the vulnerable.

The Society’s goal is to collaborate with existing organizations serving this population and to create a ‘Program of exChange’ for committed reformed addicts to practice ‘paying-it-forward’ among the residents of the DTES. The organization aspires to create change through collaboration with many of Vancouver’s local creative artists and healers, engaging music and various art forms in all their initiatives for the purpose of healing through the awareness of interconnectedness.

PBH, also works with and involves the public and private school sectors to bring awareness to Vancouver’s drug crisis and homelessness issues to young students in British Columbia, offering them a medium where they can give back to society by volunteering with the organization.

Project Blue Hands along with youth volunteers, collaborates with local businesses, colleges and musicians to produce an annual event entitled, ‘#GiveThanksDay‘. The intent of Give Thanks Day is to help provide a safe and fun space for all people from all walks of life (particularly highlighting the marginalised & vulnerable communities) to come together to celebrate life and healing with the help of music, art and altruism.

The intention is to promote inclusiveness in the spirit of giving. All that take part in this event, provide their services and talents solely by donations. About 1000+ people are served nutritious meals on this day (where all free food is 100% for the people living in the DTES area). Free personal grooming services for all those in need as well as massage/reflexology, art and music therapies are offered for the people at this festival.

The organizations’ intention is to be able to heal collectively as a community through altruism and with the notion of having a festival where all people from all walks of life can feel included, valued and honoured.

Board Members include Alex Stokes, Coco Rosario, Harjot Takhar, Joban Bal, Roger Colling & Tonye Aganaba. Advisory council members include David Morin, Harjot Bal & Ian House.

“Project Blue Hands does not belong to no one person or group but essentially it belongs to all of us in the community. Anybody can feed someone yet it takes a special community to empower and ensure the disempowered know that they are loved and feel the oneness we all essentially are and thus, there is no PBH without the youth and the HeArtist community of Vancouver.” – Coco Rosario.

Project Blue Hands Society restores dignity in people through knowing, healing and accomplishment.